Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales

The list of books nominated for the Bluebonnet award is always a crapshoot. This isn't to say there aren't wonderful books, but sometimes the books seem random or inappropriate for younger readers. This year, we are having issues with a lot of the books being more appropriate for teenagers rather than 3rd or 4th graders.

One of the best choices this year I've found is Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: One Dead Spy. This graphic novel series is written by Nathan Hale (not that one) with Nathan Hale (yes, the historical one) as the narrator of historical events. The first book actually covers much of the American revolution, while subsequent titles have followed the Donner party (Donner Dinner Party) and World War I (Treaties, Trenches, Mud and Blood).

Right now, I'm in the middle of reading Donner Dinner Party. Let me tell you, it is one of the funniest, most clever books I have read in a while. The first book, One Dead Spy, has certainly been attractive to those kids who love graphic novels. But the kids who just don't "get" graphic novels? The ones who are just wanting something...different? This series is absolutely perfect. I've seen all different types of kids, all different styles of readers and learners read that book and absolutely love it.

I was browsing Nathan Hale's website to check on the release date of the newest book. I keep looking through older posts and found something awesome from March 31, 2014:

Credit: Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales,

How awesome is that? A children's non-fiction BOOK, let alone GRAPHIC NOVEL, was #3 on the New York Times Bestseller List! I think its absolutely great. It proves that history can be fascinating, depending on the medium used to tell the story. I cannot wait for the rest of his books to come out!

If you haven't checked them out, head on over to Nathan Hale's blog to see all the cool things he's doing. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

29 Myths on the Swinster Pharmacy by Lemony Snicket

Though his true identity has been revealed, I still refuse to believe in anyone other than Lemony Snicket in regards to telling the wackiest mysteries. In his newest short novel 29 Myths on the Swinster Pharmacy, Snicket delves into the world of the urban legend.

It seems every generation of kids will develop their own mythology, whether loosely based on the previous or an entirely new creation. Though some of the "myths" really aren't myths so much as facts about the kids trying to figure out something about this suspicious pharmacy, its a nice and light introduction to the slightly spooky, slightly funny mystery title.

In Dallas, there is a store similar to this pharmacy in its mystery and quirkiness. I had heard rumors about it from friends, and several years ago a good friend of mine decided we needed to explore the unknown:

Voodoo Chile.

It's a red house in a popular area of Dallas that is some sort of consignment shop. They keep odd hours. Rumors of the shop-owner and his appearance were rampant. Some part of me wishes I had never stepped inside the Voodoo Chile, simply because of the intrigue it held before. Yet, even though I went into that crazy store, the intrigue still remains.

29 Myths on the Swinster Pharmacy could be a fun way to talk to your child about spooky or interesting buildings in your neighborhood and create stories about them. This is also a good way to teach about jumping to conclusions or making assumptions (a.k.a. gossiping) about not only people but businesses and things.

But really...what DOES the Swinster Pharmacy sell?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

CBLDF: Join Today!

I'm not usually the best at actually signing up to support things. Sure, I'll vote for this person for governor or on American Idol or whatnot, but I don't really go around with bells on heralding them as the best thing since sliced bread. This is changing as I get older and see the good that can be done by assigning your name to something you believe in. Well, I still don't know where I sit on the political spectrum or if Clay or Reuben should have won, but let me say this: I am all for the comic book and the authors, illustrators, and publishers to have the freedom to create the book of their choosing.

Super heroes are all the rage right now, with Marvel announcing movies being made for basically the next 15 years or longer. With comics and graphic novels becoming a more respected art and literature form, they are and will be coming under fierce scrutiny for who knows how long. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is there to support authors and illustrators in their efforts to create fantastic art.

Founded in 1986, the CBLDF helps comic book creators with legal aid, especially involving free speech laws, education and support for libraries, lectures and panels, and a weekly newsletter. Right now, you can help them out through their website,, or by purchasing a Humble Bundle here. Comic books and graphic novels are important for emerging and proficient readers alike. It's important that the community is supported by more than just the artists and writers themselves.

If you support them for the minimum of $10 today, you get a TON of Star Wars graphic novels for your eReader! From the Humble Bundle website:

A New Hope for your e-readers. The Humble Star Wars Comics Bundle features 89 issues across 12 stellar titles of Force-pushing, lightsaber-swinging Star Wars comics. Name your price for Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago… Volume 1, Star Wars: Empire Volume 1 Betrayal, Star Wars: Jedi Volume 1 - The Dark Side, Star Wars: Crimson Empire Volume 1, Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence, and Star Wars: Blood Ties - Jango and Boba Fett. Pay more than the average price to also get Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command, Star Wars: The Old Republic Volume 1 - Blood of the Empire, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1 Commencement, Star Wars: Legacy Volume 1 - Broken, and Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 1 - The Path to Nowhere. If you pay $15 or more, you'll receive all of the above plus Star Wars Volume 1: In the Shadow of Yavin. The Force is strong with this bundle!

Such an awesome deal for an awesome cause. If that's not something in your ability right now, you can always go back to their website at later.

Happy reading!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Quote of the Day!

One of our students was receiving tutoring in the library. I was checking in some books and putting them on our "to-be-shelved" carts, when he asked if he could check out Flora and Ulysses, one of the Bluebonnet nominated books.

I said sure, and proceeded to ask him how many Bluebonnets he's read total.

"Two, P.I.C.K.L.E. and The Day the Crayons Quit."

"Oh, I have wanted to read P.I.C.K.L.E.! How was it?" I asked. I always try to see how the kids are digging the materials because, let's be honest, we cannot read everything front to back.

"It...was..AMAZING," was his reply.

That's the quote of the day: "It...was...AMAZING."

He went on to say that a classmate begged him to finish that book because he wanted it "sooooooooooo bad".

Some days these kids melt my heart and are so adorable.