Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014

I just realized that today--this day--is May 15, 2014.

It's a Thursday.

There are just a few short weeks until summer vacation starts. Parts of me are excited and happy, knowing that I'll finally be able to start on projects and cleaning and whatnot, but there is still MUCH to be done here at work.

All library books were due this Wednesday. Many of our students in lower school went above and beyond and have returned most things already! We're proud of them, and are thankful for the couple volunteers that came and helped us knock out some of our carts of books. We could not do it without them.

I have so many lists of things that I need to finish. Inventory, covering books, straightening up and covering up shelves, packing up decorations and toys, as well as my desk, and probably a million other little tasks.

Oh, definitely Lysol-ing the couches and everything touchable! That is like one of the top ones.

Happy May 15, AKA we are almost there!

Trying to keep up the pace :)