Well, here I am, sitting in the library in which I'm currently employed, in a city that I love, looking at books and blogs and imagining all sorts of exciting things. Except for with kindergarten. I'm just trying to figure out how we can entertain them for just 20 minutes a week.
Despite being frazzled, I love this job. And for some reason, I feel like this is where I was supposed to be all along.
Throughout my years as a teenager, I volunteered regularly at a library in a neighboring city. In fact, I volunteered for everything I could! Reading to three year olds? Count me in. Making paper plate tambourines? I'm there. Puppet show? Shoot, I'll make Jim Henson proud. Whether it was crafting, storytelling, general child-wrangling, anime watching, or reading books for state-wide conventions, I was a part of all of it.
My best friend, Hannah, would tease me about my love of libraries and my secret desire to be a librarian (amongst other things, mind). She would often call me "Marian the Librarian" or simply "Marian". While I love me some
The Music Man, I was not impressed by this nickname. Hindsight makes prods from friends hilarious, sometimes, and that's why I've named my blog such.
After I graduated high school, I was fortunate enough to be looking for a job while I went to school. One of my librarian friends, Judi, suggested I apply for a paging position. Needless to say, it was not as glamorous as that of a children's assistant or a circulation clerk, but it was paying better than the teacher supply store I was working at. I loved my job.
Long story short, after leaving that job many years ago, I regret it still. Fortunately, I have found another position in a better, more respected library at a school. Yes, I am 25 and still working on my undergrad, as well as working full time at this amazing library. I'm grateful for what I have and the opportunities that lay before me.
The children's prior experience was not at all pleasant, and it makes me sad to even type the things that I was told went on. My personal goal for this library: to ensure kids' enjoyment of the library and educating and encouraging them to be empowered enough to use it.
It's difficult because there are many terms I don't know, and a lot of things I don't know. There's processing book orders and P.O.s (or house charges? I'm lost), repairing books, dealing with parents (which I have never really had to do in my previous jobs. Not even at the tutoring center.), and being in a school environment while forcing myself to complete a bachelor's at the same time.
I'm a perfectionist and I hope it is not the downfall of my career or my sanity at this establishment. I want to do the best that I can, the most fun and effective way possible. I don't know if that's possible, though. I just assume because I grew up around some of my library heroes who truly LOVED their jobs, the children they worked with, and the library.
I hope I will make them proud.